Welcome Adaptive MTBers to a park near you

We welcome Adaptive MTBers in the following parks on these days. We thought the equestrian community should know so they can adjust their riding as needed. March 15 – Patapsco Valley State Park March 22 – Little Bennett Regional Park March 29 – Fairland Regional Park Some horses may not be familiar with recumbent adaptive bikes yet since this is a fairly new sport in our area. Adaptive bikes are often lower to the ground.…

TROT Hosting Legal Equine Symposium March 28 Thanks to Grant Award from the MHIB

Please use the link provided here to sign up for TROT’s Legal Equine Symposium. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/defending-land-use-rights-for-the-horse-community-equine-legal-symposium-registration-1141746467419?aff=oddtdtcreator Thanks to a generous grant from the MarylandHorse Industry Board (MHIB), Trail Riders of Today(TROT) will be hosting “Defending Land-Use Rightsfor the Horse Community” an Equine Legal Symposiumat the Maryland Horse Library & Education Centerin Reisterstown, Maryland. Ross Peddicord, MHIB Executive Director notifiedTROT President Carolan Sharpe that the MHIB GrantProgram application she filed last October was chosento receive $500, which…

Important Alert: General Assembly : Allow motorized vehicles and equipment to be used on public lands designated as wildlands in Patuxent

On Wednesday February 5th at 7 PM, there will be a public hearing for the following issue: Howard County has put forth a bill that will finally allow motorized vehicles and equipment to be used on public lands designated as State Wildlands Area at Patuxent to make it easier to clear existing trails to better allow the necessary maintenance for safe access for public use and emergency services. Bill Code: Ho.Co.  By: Senator Hester This will be the second bill of the evening. We…

A message from Meaghan McDermott our new TROT Patapsco Valley State Park Area Coordinator!

Hello TROT! I am the newly appointed TROT Patapsco Valley State Park area coordinator. I live in the Patapsco Valley and have been riding, running and hiking Patapsco’s trails for more than 30 years. I am looking forward to engaging more with the TROT community and advocating for horsey needs in the Park. I have three major goals for 2025 as PVSP coordinator: Speaking of McKeldin, if you’ve ridden there at all the last few…

TROT Elections are HERE!

REMEMBER TO VOTE! Membership voting will close on December 28th, 2024for candidates seeking election for the 2025 – 2027 term. All members in good standing and of legal voting age shall be entitled to vote. The Board of Directors shall consist of no more than nine but no less than five directors. Refer to the TROT bylaws passed in January 2021 for additional details. Click Here to Access Your ballot

Piney Run Park Equestrian Use: Parking Permits

Beginning on April 15, 2024, the east side access gate to Piney Run Park will be closed to vehicular traffic until further notice.  This will allow this area of the park to environmentally recover given its heavy use in recent years.  This access gate will continue to provide equestrian parking, since it is not permitted at the main park entrance.  The main park entrance located at 30 Martz Road is available for regular vehicular traffic…

TROT Supports Trail Clearing in Patuxent

On Saturday, July 27th TROT members, Courtney Frye and Sandra Bourdeaux, joined forces with Iron Bridge Hunt Club members, Ann Moxley and Hanna Wharton, to reopen a beautiful ambling trail around the main pond in Patuxent River State Park. Read more about it in our next newsletter. We could use as much help as possible clearing trails here (Trails off Annapolis Rock parking area) since this is a designated wilderness area of DNR. If you…

WSSC is looking for proposals and RFIs to help rebuild Avenel Horse Farm in Montgomery County- Deadline SEPT 6th

What are they looking for? 1. Rebuilding or rehabilitation services for the equestrian property that includes a currently unsafe barn. The property has outdoor riding rings, paddocks and riding trails. 2. A manager/ management services so they can understand the market for these services. Does this request sound a little off? It might be because WSSC is in the business of water management in the area and just happen to own a horse farm and…

TROT again supports Morgan Run NEA and Trail Workdays

TROT has again donated $100 for the portable toilet at Morgan Run NEA Ben Rose Lane. Carolyn A. Garber, Secretary of Carroll County Equestrian Council, thanks us for our continued financial support. Please remember, in order to keep the trails open and accessible, the Carroll County Equestrian Council has scheduled monthly trail work days, as approved by Patapsco Valley State Park management.  The dates appear on the website (www.carrollcountyequestriancouncil.org) and Facebook (Carroll County Equestrian Council…