On Wednesday February 5th at 7 PM, there will be a public hearing for the following issue:
Howard County has put forth a bill that will finally allow motorized vehicles and equipment to be used on public lands designated as State Wildlands Area at Patuxent to make it easier to clear existing trails to better allow the necessary maintenance for safe access for public use and emergency services.
Bill Code: Ho.Co.
By: Senator Hester
This will be the second bill of the evening.
We think the equestrian community will most likely want to register their support for this bill as it will allow the clearing of wildlands used by equestrians at Patuxent River State Park Annapolis Rock area- 450 acres. Currently, the State Wildlands designation, disallows the use of motorized equipment of any kind, and in general, all clearing by volunteers is done with hand tools. This park is notable for their large horse trailer parking at Annapolis Rock, able to accommodate multiple trailers, and thus able to service some hunt club use. The land is a gem, used not only by equestrians, but also by hikers, birders, fishers, etc. We favor allowing appropriate clearing to make the existing trails safe and passable.
How you can help:
1. Read the proposed change: https://www.howardcountymd.gov/sites/default/files/2025-01/Ho.Co_.%205-25.pdf Consider the tradeoffs of wildlands designation w/o motorized clearing techniques vs one with this carveout.
2. Write a letter in support or oppose to hoc1@mlis.state.md.us It must be submitted by Mon February 3rd at 5 PM. It can be very simple. These are part of the public record, so we make sure our language is polite and respectful.
3. Watch: This will be livestreamed on YouTube Wed February 5th at 7 PM. **Maryland General Assembly website home page (http://mgaleg.maryland.gov). Scroll down to “Today’s Calendar”. Under “Other”, click on the arrow next to “Committee Meetings” and then select “Howard”. Next, click on the red “Live!” button, which will open the streaming video on YouTube. (The “Live!” button will appear once the meeting is in session.)
4. Sign up to testify here by Tues February 4th at 5 PM:
**Those who sign up will be sent the Zoom link prior to the hearing using the email address provided on the form. Participants should use the same first and last name they use on the sign up formwhen joining the Zoom meeting in order to ensure admission to the meeting.