Please help us welcome our new secretary!

Please help us welcome our new secretary!

Announcing TROT’s new Secretary! Trail Riders of Today (TROT) member, Sandra Bourdeaux, upon learning that the position was open, offered to step in and fill the role.

At the April meeting, Sandra volunteered to create and run TROT’s new Mailchimp account to provide expe-dient email outreach for the membership. While discussing the details of that project, TROT President Car-olann Tackenberg Sharpe, mentioned that the Secretary role was open. Sandra immediately offered to help.

“I used to volunteer for Queen Anne’s County Pony Express 4H when my daughter was younger,” says Sandra. “I didn’t realize how much I missed be-ing a part of a group of equestrians who are on a mission to do good while joined through the love of horses until I attended a TROT function.”

Because the prior Secretary resigned, it was decided by the Board to appoint Ms. Bourdeaux to fill the position as per “SECTION 3. Vacancies” in TROT’s bylaws. Sandra will serve until December of 2025.
“Sitting in on the meetings, I have been inspired by the passion and hard work exhibited by Carolann, TROT President, Christina Micek, TROT Vice President and many others.” Sandra said, “It will be a pleasure to be able to serve this organization and also be surrounded by like-minded individuals.”

An avid equestrian and lifelong horse enthusiast, Sandra brings 10 years of administrative proficiency and more than three decades of publishing experience to the position. She lives in Woodbine with her husband Tom, their border Collie, Chase and their two quarter horses, Rocky and Trinidad.