Wheaton Stables and Equestrian Loop Trail Update

Wheaton Stables and Equestrian Loop Trail Update

May 19th public hearing on Wheaton Stables and their equestrian/hiker Wheaton Loop Trail- the planning department heard from the public May 19th, and many equestrians showed up, which was great to see. PBHTA and TROT both provided written testimony. Next dates to watch out for is June 9th where input will be incorporated, and June 23rd will be a vote for the approval.May 19th public hearing link here:https://mncppc.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=2…The report is here:https://montgomeryparks.org/…/WRP-Master-Plan-Public…Again- you can see the original May 5, 2022 presentation by parks here:https://mncppc.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=7..