Please save the date for the TROT’s annual picnic, Sunday, August 14th. We will host this again at Patapsco, McKeldin Area.
Wheaton Stables and Equestrian Loop Trail Update
May 19th public hearing on Wheaton Stables and their equestrian/hiker Wheaton Loop Trail- the planning department heard from the public May 19th, and many equestrians showed up, which was great to see. PBHTA and TROT both provided written testimony. Next dates to watch out for is June 9th where input will be incorporated, and June 23rd will be a vote for the approval.May 19th public hearing link here:…The report is here:…/WRP-Master-Plan-Public…Again- you can see the…
Horse Industry Grant Work June 4th and 5th
As reported in the last newsletter, through a grant from the Maryland Horse Industry Board, TROT, in collaboration with the Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission (MNCPPC) and Potomac Bridle and Hiking Trails Association (PBHTA), will be working to improve bridges at one of the favorite equestrian trail systems in Montgomery County, Little Bennett Regional Park, by adding a non-slip surface to dangerously slippery bridge sections. Little Bennett is unique in that it offers…
Hearing is March 9!! (sign-up on March 7)WITNESSES FOR ORAL OR WRITTEN TESTIMONY ARE NEEDED! This bill would allow state-wide, year round, Sunday hunting, and would— apply in every county in the state, — apply to private as well as public land, — allow hunting on all 52 Sundays of the year by repealing every sub-section in 10-410 (a)(1) with: “TheDepartment may allow a person to hunt on each Sunday of the game bird and mammal…
Patuxent: Update on New Trails, Bridge, and more
We will hopefully be partnering with MORE this year to again assist in some of the work they are doing on trails at Patuxent Here is a project update. Please look out for trail workday announcements. MORE has been waiting for some needed updates to their bridge design plans. They are now very close to having the updated bridge designs approved by SHA so they can order materials for the final trail bridge of Phase…
TROT Wins Maryland Horse Industry Board Grant to improve trails
We are excited to announce that recently TROT has been awarded a Maryland Horse Industry Board Grant to improve equestrian trails. The focus of the grant is to improve bridge traction at one of the favorite equestrian trail systems in Montgomery County, Little Bennet, by adding a non-slip surface to improve horse and rider confidence in the crossings. Little Bennett Regional Parks is unique in that it offers one of the few horse trailer camping…
MD General Assembly in Session – Jan-April
TROT is reviewing the following legislation. Horse or Trail Related State Wide: Right to Ride – SB 345/HB 116 State Wide: Great Maryland Outdoors Act – SB 541Maryland the Beautiful Act- trust for buying property for conservation purposes – SB 791/ HB 1031Horse Riding- Helmet Requirements for minors law – HB713Fair Hill Improvement Fund – 1.8 million to the special event area – HB 658/SB 538DNR tenants must maintain a border to allow access to…
Maryland Hunting Schedule 2021-2022
Check out the hunting seasons and dates in your county before your ride.
Choose TROT on Amazon Smile
If you use Amazon as much as many of us do, you can add TROT on Amazon Smile. When you purchase goods through Amazon Smile, Amazon will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to your favorite charitable organization, at no cost to you. Visit to make TROT your official charity today.
Sunday August 8th, 2021 12 noon to 3pm – RSVP at by August 1st Patapsco Valley State Park, McKeldin Area (GPS Coordinates 39.35982-7689112) 11676 Marriottsville Road, Marriottsville, MD 21104 McKeldin Pavilion #501 Due to the pandemic TROT was unable to hold its annual dinner but now is the perfect time to have a picnic ! Come and gather to see old riding buddies and meet new ones. A lot has happened in the last year,…
Letter from the Interim President
Dear Members of TROT, I am not going to dwell on the unexpected and unforeseeable events of 2020, both globally and internally. I took the position of Interim President because TROT was an organization that embraced my ideas and consistently appreciated my efforts. Whenever an idea came up on how we can best benefit our membership, the executives gave me the freedom to make it happen. This is what I found most remarkable about this…
Updates on COVID-19 from the Maryland Horse Council
Updates on COVID-19 from the Maryland Horse Council Hello TROT members, The Board and I hope you all are staying healthy in the times of COVID-19. I wanted to share the latest update from the Maryland Horse Council (MHC) with you. MHC is staying up to date with everything COVID-19 and sharing how the developments are affecting equestrians. We hope that this information is helpful for you! To download the full message from MHC, please…
Sponsorship information for the Annual Dinner
Trail Riders of Today 2020 Annual Meeting and Dinner February 15th, 2020 | Mount Airy, MD Celebrating 40 Years Originally founded in 1980 by a group of 22 Maryland riders seeking to save a single trail, Trail Riders Of Today (TROT) expanded into a 501(c)3 organization focusing on preservation and creation of sustainable equestrian trails throughout Maryland. TROT partners with local organizations, state government agencies, land developers, and the public at large to maintain, obtain,…
Message from the TROT President
Extreme Mountain Trail Clinic
TROT Presents Mountain Obstacle Course Double C Farm, LLC is Maryland’s first IMTCA certified course. This will be an instructor-led event with a maximum of 8 riders per session. Riding the obstacle course helps a horse and rider: Build a deeper partnership. Cultivate trust, respect, and confidence. Increase flexibility and agility. Develop better communication skills. And it’s FUN! The obstacles include Balance Beams, Rocks, Cross Bucks, Pond, Bridges, Teeter Totter, Texas Two Step, Cake Box,…